Category Archives: Software Architecture

How Bazaarvoice UGC APIs serve information to its brand & retailers

Bazaarvoice has thousands of clients including brands and retailers. Bazaarvoice has billions of records of product catalog and User Generated Content(UGC)from Bazaarvoice clients. When a shopper visits a brand or retailer site/app powered by Bazaarvoice, our APIs are triggered.

In 2023,Bazaarvoice UGC APIs recorded peak traffic of over 3+ billion calls per day with zero incidents. This blog post will discuss the high level design strategies that are implemented to handle this huge traffic even when serving hundreds of millions of pieces of User Generated Content to shoppers/clients around the globe.

The following actions can take place when shoppers interact with our User-Generated Content (UGC) APIs.

  • Writing Content
    • When a shopper writes any content such as reviews or comments etc. on any of the product on retailer or brand site, it invokes a call to Bazaarvoice’s write UGC APIs, followed by Authenticity/content moderation.
  • Reading Content
    • When a shopper visits the brand or retailer site/app for a product, Bazaarvoice’s read UGC APIs are invoked.

Traffic: 3+ Billion calls per day(peek)Data: ~5 Billions of records,Terabyte scale

High-level API Flow:

  1. Whenever a request is made to Bazaarvoice UGC API endpoints, the Bazaarvoice gateway service receives the request, authenticates the request, and then transmits the request information to the application load balancer.
  2. Upon receiving the request from the load balancer, the application server engages with authentication service to authenticate the request. If the request is deemed legitimate, the application proceeds to make a call to its database servers to retrieve the necessary information and the application formulates response accordingly.

Let’s get into a bit deeper into the design

Actions taken at the gateway upon receiving a request

  • API’s authentication:

We have an authentication service integrated to the gateway to validate the request. If it’s a valid request then we proceed further. Validation includes ensuring that the request is from a legitimate source to serve one of Bazaarvoice’s clients

  • API’s security:

If our API’s are experiencing any security attacks like Malicious or DDOS requests, WAF intercepts and subsequently blocks the security attacks as per the configured settings.

  • Response Caching:

We implemented response caching to improve response times and client page load performance, with a duration determined by the Time-to-Live (TTL) configuration for requests. This allows our gateway to resend the cached response, if the same request is received again, rather than forwarding the request to the server.

Understanding User-Generated Content (UGC) Data Types and API Services

Before delving into specifics of how the UGC is originally collected, it’s important to understand the type of data being served.


  • Ratings & Reviews
  • Questions & Answers
  • Statistics (Product-based Review Statistics and Questions & Answers Statistics)
  • Products & Categories

For more details, you can refer to ConversationsAPI documentation via Bazaarvoice’s recently upgraded Developer Center.

Now, let’s explore the internals of these APIs in detail, and examine their interconnectedness.

  • Write UGC API service
  • Read UGC API service

Write UGC API service:

Our submission form customized for each client, the form will render based on the client configuration which can include numerous custom data attributes to serve their needs. When a shopper submits content such as a review or a question through the form, our system writes this content to a submission queue. A downstream internal system then retrieves this content from the queue and writes it into the master database.

Why do we have to use a queue rather than directly writing into a database?

  • Load Leveling
  • Asynchronous Processing
  • Scalability
  • Resilience to Database Failures

Read UGC API service:

The UGC read API’s database operates independently from the primary, internal database. While the primary database contains normalized data, the read API database is designed to serve denormalized and enriched data specifically tailored for API usage in order to meet the response time expectations of Bazaarvoice’s clients and their shoppers.

Why do we need denormalized data?

To handle large-scale traffic efficiently and avoid complex join operations in real-time, we denormalize our data according to specific use cases.

We transform the normalized data into denormalized enriched data through the following steps:

  1. Primary-Replica setup: This will help us to separate write and read calls.
  1. Data denormalization:  In Replica DB, we have triggers to do data processing (joining multiple tables) and write that data into staging tables. We have an application that reads data from staging tables and writes the denormalized data  into Nosql DB. Here data is segregated according to the content type. Subsequently, this data is forwarded to message queues for enrichment.
  1. Enriching the denormalized data: Our internal applications consume this data from message queues, with the help of internal state stores, we enrich the documents before forwarding them to a destination message queue.

e.g. : Average rating of a product, Total number of ugc information to a product.

  1. Data Transfer to UGC application Database: We have a connector application to consume data from the destination message queue and write it into the UGC application database.

Now that you’ve heard about how Bazaarvoice’s API’s handles the large client and request scale, let’s add another layer of complexity to the mix!

Connecting Brands and Retailers

Up to this point, we’ve discussed the journey of content within a given client’s dataset. Now, let’s delve into the broader problem that Bazaarvoice addresses.

Bazaarvoice helps its brands and retailers share reviews within the bazaarvoice network. For more details refer to syndicated-content.

Let’s talk about the scale and size of the problem before getting into details, 

From 12,000+ Bazaarvoice clients, We have billions of catalog and UGC content. Bazaarvoice provides a platform to share the content within its network. Here data is logically separated for all the clients.

Client’s can access their data directly, They can access other Bazaarvoice clients data, based on the Bazaarvoice Network’s configured connections. 

E.g. : 

From the above diagram, Retailer (R3) wanted to increase their sales of a product by showing a good amount of UGC content.

Retailer (R1)1 billion catalog & ugc records
Retailer (R2)2 billion catalog & ugc records
Retailer (R3)0.5 billion catalog & ugc records
Retailer (R4)1.2 billion catalog & ugc records
Brand (B1)0.2 billion catalog & ugc records
Brand (B2)1 billion catalog & ugc records

Now think, 

If Retailer (R3) is accessing only its data, then it’s operating on 0.5 billion records, but here Retailer (R3) is configured to get the ugc data from Brand (B1) , Brand (B2) , Retailer (R1) also.

If you look at the scale now it’s 0.5 + 0.2 + 1 + 1 = 2.7 billions.

To get the data for one request, it has to query on 2.7 billion records. On top of it we have filters and sorting, which make it even more complex.

In Summary

Here I’ve over simplified, to make you understand the solution that Bazaarvoice is providing, in reality it’s much more complex to serve the UGC Write and Read APIs at a global scale with fast response times and remain globally resilient to maintain high uptime.

Now you might correlate why we have this kind of architecture designed to solve this problem.  Hopefully after reading this post you have a better understanding of what it takes behind the scenes to serve User Generated Content across Brands and Retailers at billion-record-scale to shoppers across the globe.

Cloud-Native Marvel: Driving 6 Million Daily Notifications!

Bazaarvoice notification system stands as a testament to cutting-edge technology, designed to seamlessly dispatch transactional email messages (post-interaction email or PIE) on behalf of our clients. The heartbeat of our system lies in the constant influx of new content, driven by active content solicitations. Equipped with an array of tools, including email message styling, default templates, configurable scheduling, data privacy APIs, email security/encryption, reputation/identity management, as well as auditing and reporting functionalities, our Notification system is the backbone of client-facing communications.

PIE or post-interaction email messages

Let’s delve into the system’s architecture, strategically divided into two pivotal components. Firstly, the data ingestion process seamlessly incorporates transactional data from clients through manual uploads or automated transactions uploads. Secondly, the Notification system’s decision engine controls the delivery process, strategically timing email dispatches according to client configurations. Letterpress facilitates scalable email delivery to end consumers, enhancing the efficiency of the process.

Previous Obstacles: What Hindered Progress Before

Examining the architecture mentioned above, we were already leveraging the AWS cloud and utilizing AWS managed services such as EC2, S3, and SES to meet our requirements. However, we were still actively managing several elements, such as scaling EC2 instances according to load patterns, managing security updates for EC2s, and setting up a distinct log stream to gather all instance-level logs into a separate S3 bucket for temporary storage, among other responsibilities. It’s important to note that our deployment process used Jenkins and CloudFormation templates. Considering these factors, one could characterize our earlier architecture as semi-cloud-native.

Upon careful observation of the Bazaarvoice-managed File Processing EC2 instances, it becomes apparent that these instances are handling complex, prolonged batch jobs. The ongoing maintenance and orchestration of these EC2 instances add significant complexities to overall operations. Unfortunately, due to the lack of active development on this framework, consumers, such as Notifications, find themselves dedicating 30% of an engineer’s on-call week to address various issues related to feed processing, stuck jobs, and failures of specific feed files. Enduring such challenges over an extended period is challenging. The framework poses a risk of regional outages if a client’s job becomes stuck, and our aim is to achieve controlled degradation for that specific client during such instances. These outages occur approximately once a month, requiring a week of engineering effort to restore everything to a green state.

Embrace cloud-native excellence

The diagram above illustrates the recently operationalized cloud-native, serverless data ingestion pipeline for the Notification Systems. Our transition to a cloud-native architecture has been a game-changer. Through meticulous design and rigorous testing, we created a modern, real-time data ingestion pipeline capable of handling millions of transactional data records with unprecedented efficiency. Witness the evolution in action through our cloud-native, serverless data ingestion pipeline, operationalized with precision and running flawlessly for over seven months, serving thousands of clients seamlessly.

We’ve decomposed the complex services that were previously engaged with numerous responsibilities into smaller, specialized services with a primary focus on specific responsibilities. One such service is the engagement-service, tasked with managing all client inbox folders (Email/Text/WhatsApp). This service periodically checks for new files, employs a file splitting strategy to ingest them into our S3 buckets, and subsequently moves them from the inbox to a backup folder, appending a timestamp to the filename for identification.

Achieve excellence by breaking barriers


The journey to our current state wasn’t without challenges. Previously, managing AWS cloud services like EC2, S3, and SES demanded significant manual effort. However, by adopting a microservices architecture and leveraging ECS fargate task, AWS Lambda, step functions, and SQS, we’ve streamlined file processing and message conversion, slashing complexities and enhancing scalability.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing has emerged as a beacon of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. With AWS Lambda handling file-to-message conversion seamlessly, our focus shifts to business logic, driving unparalleled agility and resource optimization.

Transforming the ordinary into the remarkable, our daily transaction feed ingestion handles a staggering 5-6 million entries. This monumental data flow includes both file ingestion and analytics, fueling our innovative processes.

Consider a scenario where this load is seamlessly distributed throughout the day, resulting in a monthly cost of approximately $1.1k. In contrast, our previous method incurred a cost of around $1k per month.

Despite a nominal increase in cost, the advantages are game-changing:

  1. Enhanced Control: Our revamped framework puts us in the driver’s seat with customizable notifications, significantly boosting system maintainability.
  2. Streamlined Operations: Tasks like system downtime, debugging the master node issues, node replacements, and cluster restarts are simplified to a single button click.
  3. Improved Monitoring: Expect refined dashboards and alerting mechanisms that keep you informed and in control.
  4. Customized Delivery: By segregating email messages, SMS, and WhatsApp channels, we maintain client-set send times for text messages to their consumer base.

The pay-as-you-go model ensures cost efficiency of upto 17%, making serverless architecture a strategic choice for applications with dynamic workloads.

The logic for converting files to messages is implemented within AWS Lambda. This function is tasked with the responsibility of breaking down large file-based transactions into smaller messages, directing all client data to respective SQS queues based on the Notification channel (email or SMS). In this process, the focus is primarily on business logic, with less emphasis on infrastructure maintenance and scaling. Therefore, a serverless architecture, specifically AWS Lambda, step functions and SQS were used for this purpose.

Empower multitenancy, scalability, and adaptability

Our cloud-native notifications infrastructure thrives on managed resources, fostering collaboration and efficiency across teams. Scalability and adaptability are no longer buzzwords but integral elements driving continuous improvement and customer-centric innovations. These apps can handle problems well because they’re built from small, independent services. It’s easier to find and fix issues without stopping the whole server.

Notifications cloud-native infrastructure is spread out in different availability zones of a region, so if one zone has a problem, traffic can be redirected quickly to keep things running smoothly. Also, developers can add security features to their apps from the start.

Transitioning to cloud-native technologies demands strategic planning and cohesive teamwork across development, operations, and security domains. We started by experimenting with smaller applications to gain familiarity with the process. This allowed us to pinpoint applications that are well-suited for cloud-native transformation and retire those that are not suitable. Our journey has been marked by meticulous experimentation, focusing on applications ripe for transformation and retiring those not aligned with our cloud-native vision.

Conclusion: Shape tomorrow’s software engineering landscape

As we progress deeper into the era of cloud computing, the significance of cloud-native applications goes beyond a fleeting trend; they are positioned to establish a new standard in software engineering.

Through continuous innovation and extensive adoption, we are revolutionizing the landscape of Notifications system of Bazaarvoice with cloud-native applications, bringing about transformative changes through each microservice. The future has arrived, and it’s soaring on the cloud.

How We Scale to 16+ Billion Calls

The holiday season brings a huge spike in traffic for many companies. While increased traffic is great for retail business, it also puts infrastructure reliability to the test. At times when every second of uptime is of elevated importance, how can engineering teams ensure zero downtime and performant applications? Here are some key strategies and considerations we employ at Bazaarvoice as we prepare our platform to handle over 16 Billion API calls during Cyber Week.

Key to approaching readiness for peak load events is defining the scope of testing. Identify which services need to be tested and be clear about success requirements.  A common trade off will be choosing between reliability and cost. When making this choice, reliability is always the top priority. ‘Customer is Key’ is a key value at Bazaarvoice, and drives our decisions and behavior.  Service Level Objectives (SLOs) drive clarity of reliability requirements through each of our services.

Reliability is always the top priority

When customer traffic is at its peak, reliability and uptime must take precedence over all other concerns. While cost efficiency is important, the customer experience is key during these critical traffic surges. Engineers should have the infrastructure resources they need to maintain stability and performance, even if it means higher costs in the short-term.

Thorough testing and validation well in advance is essential to surfacing any issues before the holidays. All critical customer-facing services undergo load and failover simulations to identify performance bottlenecks and points of failure. In a Serverless-first architecture, ensuring configuration like reserved concurrency and quota limits are sufficient for autoscaling requirements are valuable to validate.  Often these simulations will uncover problems you have not previously encountered. For example, in this year’s preparations our load simulations uncovered scale limitations in our redis cache which required fixes prior to Black Friday.

“It’s not only about testing the ability to handle peak load”

It’s important to note readiness is not only about testing the ability to handle peak load. Disaster recovery plans are validated through simulated scenarios. Runbooks are verified as up-to-date, to ensure efficient incident response in the event something goes wrong. Verifying instrumentation and infrastructure that supports operability are tested, ensuring our tooling works when we need it most.

Similarly ensuring the appropriate tooling and processes are in place to address security concerns is another key concern. Preventing DDoS attacks which could easily overwhelm the system if not identified and mitigated, preventing impact of service availability.

Predicting the future

Observability through actionable monitoring, logging, and metrics provides the essential visibility to detect and isolate emerging problems early. It also provides the historical context and growth of traffic data over time, which can help forecast capacity needs and establish performance baselines that align with real production usage. In addition to quantitative measures, proactively reaching out to clients means we are in step with client needs about expected traffic helping align testing to actual usage patterns.  This data is important to simulate real world traffic patterns based on what has gone before, and has enabled us to accurately predict Black Friday traffic trends. However it’s important our systems are architected to scale with demand, to handle unpredicted load if need be, key to this is observing and understanding how our systems behave in production.

Traffic Trends

What did it look like this year? Consumer shopping patterns remained quite consistent on an elevated scale. Black Friday continues to be the largest shopping day of the year, and consumers continue to shop online in increasing numbers. During Cyber Week alone, Bazaarvoice handled over 16 Billion API calls.

Solving common problems once

While individual engineering teams own service readiness, having a coordinated effort ensures all critical dependencies are covered. Sharing forecasts, requirements, and learnings across teams enables better preparation. Testing surprises on dependent teams should be avoided through clear communication.

Automating performance testing, failover drills, and monitoring checks as part of regular release cycles or scheduled pipelines reduces the overhead of peak traffic preparation. Following site reliability principles and instilling always-ready operational practices makes services far more resilient year-round. 

For example, we recently put in place a shared dev pattern for continuous performance testing.  This involves a quick setup of k6 performance script, an example github action pipeline and observability configured to monitor performance over time. We also use an in-house Tech Radar to converge on common tooling so a greater number of teams can learn and stand on the shoulders of teams who have already tried and tested tooling in their context.

Other examples include, adding automation to performance tests to replay production requests for a given load profile makes tests easier to maintain, and reflect more accurately production behavior. Additionally, make use of automated fault injection tooling, chaos engineering and automated runbooks.

Adding automation and ensuring these practices are part of your everyday way of working are key to reducing the overhead of preparing for the holidays.

Consistent, continuous training conditions us to always be ready

Moving to an always-ready posture ensures our infrastructure is scalable, reliable and robust all year round. Implementing continuous performance testing using frequent baseline tests provides frequent feedback on performance from release to release.  Automated operational readiness service checks ensure principles and expectations are in place for production services and are continuously checked.  For example, automated checking of expected monitors, alerts, runbooks and incident escalation policy requirements.

At Bazaarvoice our engineering teams align on shared System Standards which gives technical direction and guidance to engineers on commonly solved problems, continuously evolving our systems and increasing our innovation velocity.  To use a trail running analogy, System Standards define the preferred paths and combined with Tech Radar, provide recommendations to help you succeed.  For example, what trail running shoes should I choose, what energy refuelling strategy should I use, how should I monitor performance.  The same is true for building resilient reliable software, as teams solve these common problems, share the learnings for those teams which come after.

Looking Ahead

With a relentless focus on reliability, scalability, continuous testing, enhanced observability, and cross-team collaboration, engineering organizations can optimize performance and minimize downtime during critical traffic surges. 

Don’t forget after the peak has passed and we have descended from the summit, analyze the data.  What went well, what didn’t go well, and what opportunities are there to improve for the next peak.

Flyte 1 Year In

On the racetrack of building ML applications, traditional software development steps are often overtaken. Welcome to the world of MLOps, where unique challenges meet innovative solutions and consistency is king. 

At Bazaarvoice, training pipelines serve as the backbone of our MLOps strategy. They underpin the reproducibility of our model builds. A glaring gap existed, however, in graduating experimental code to production.

Rather than continuing down piecemeal approaches, which often centered heavily on Jupyter notebooks, we determined a standard was needed to empower practitioners to experiment and ship machine learning models extremely fast while following our best practices.

(cover image generated with Midjourney)

Build vs. Buy

Fresh off the heels of our wins from unifying our machine learning (ML) model deployment strategy, we first needed to decide whether to build a custom in-house ML workflow orchestration platform or seek external solutions.

When deciding to “buy” (it is open source after all), selecting Flyte as our workflow management platform emerged as a clear choice. It saved invaluable development time and nudged our team closer to delivering a robust self-service infrastructure. Such an infrastructure allows our engineers to build, evaluate, register, and deploy models seamlessly. Rather than reinventing the wheel, Flyte equipped us with an efficient wheel to race ahead.

Before leaping with Flyte, we embarked on an extensive evaluation journey. Choosing the right workflow orchestration system wasn’t just about selecting a tool but also finding a platform to complement our vision and align with our strategic objectives. We knew the significance of this decision and wanted to ensure we had all the bases covered. Ultimately the final tooling options for consideration were Flyte, Metaflow, Kubeflow Pipelines, and Prefect.

To make an informed choice, we laid down a set of criteria:

Criteria for Evaluation


  • Ease of Development: The tool should intuitively aid developers without steep learning curves.
  • Deployment: Quick and hassle-free deployment mechanisms.
  • Pipeline Customization: Flexibility to adjust pipelines as distinct project requirements arise.
  • Visibility: Clear insights into processes for better debugging and understanding.


  • AWS Integration: Seamless integration capabilities with AWS services.
  • Metadata Retention: Efficient storage and retrieval of metadata.
  • Startup Time: Speedy initialization to reduce latency.
  • Caching: Optimal data caching for faster results.

Neutral, Yet Noteworthy:

  • Security: Robust security measures ensuring data protection.
  • User Administration: Features facilitating user management and access control.
  • Cost: Affordability – offering a good balance between features and price.

Why Flyte Stood Out: Addressing Key Criteria

Diving deeper into our selection process, Flyte consistently addressed our top criteria, often surpassing the capabilities of other tools under consideration:

  1. Ease of Development: Pure Python | Task Decorators
    • Python-native development experience
  2. Pipeline Customization
    • Easily customize any workflow and task by modifying the task decorator

  3. Deployment: Kubernetes Cluster
  4. Visibility
    • Easily accessible container logs
    • Flyte decks enable reporting visualizations

  5. Flyte’s native Kubernetes integration simplified the deployment process.

The Bazaarvoice customization

As with any platform, while Flyte brought many advantages, we needed a different plug-and-play solution for our unique needs. We anticipated the platform’s novelty within our organization. We wanted to reduce the learning curve as much as possible and allow our developers to transition smoothly without being overwhelmed.

To smooth the transition and expedite the development process, we’ve developed a cookiecutter template to serve as a launchpad for developers, providing a structured starting point that’s standardized and aligned with best practices for Flyte projects. This structure empowers developers to swiftly construct training pipelines.

The most relevant files provided by the template are:

  • Pipfile    - Details project dependencies 
  • Dockerfile - Builds docker container
  • Makefile   - Helper file to build, register, and execute projects
  •  - Details the project 
  • src/
    • tasks/
    • (Follows the Kedro Standard for Data Layers)
      • process_raw_data - workflow to extract, clean, and transform raw data 
      • generate_model_input - workflow to create train, test, and validation data sets 
      • train_model - workflow to generate a serialized, trained machine learning model
      • generate_model_output - workflow to prevent train-serving skew by performing inference on the validation data set using the trained machine learning model
      • evaluate - workflow to evaluate the model on a desired set of performance metrics
      • reporting - workflow to summarize and visualize model performance
      • full - complete Flyte pipeline to generate trained model
  • tests/ - Unit tests for your workflows and tasks
  • run - Simplifies running of workflows

In addition, a common challenge in developing pipelines is needing resources beyond what our local machines offer. Or, there might be tasks that require extended runtimes. Flyte does grant the capability to develop locally and run remotely. However, this involves a series of steps:

  • Rebuild your custom docker image after each code modification.
  • Assign a version tag to this new docker image and push it to ECR.
  • Register this fresh workflow version with Flyte, updating the docker image.
  • Instruct Flyte to execute that specific version of the workflow, parameterizing via the CLI.

To circumvent these challenges and expedite the development process, we designed the template’s Makefile and run script to abstract the series of steps above into a single command!

./run —remote src/ full

The Makefile uses a couple helper targets, but overall provides the following commands:

  • info       - Prints info about this project
  • init       - Sets up project in flyte and creates an ECR repo 
  • build      - Builds the docker image 
  • push       - Pushes the docker image to ECR 
  • package    - Creates the flyte package 
  • register   - Registers version with flyte
  • runcmd     - Generates run command for both local and remote
  • test       - Runs any tests for the code
  • code_style - Applies black formatting & flake8

Key Triumphs

With Flyte as an integral component of our machine learning platform, we’ve achieved unmatched momentum in ML development. It enables swift experimentation and deployment of our models, ensuring we always adhere to best practices. Beyond aligning with fundamental MLOps principles, our customizations ensure Flyte perfectly meets our specific needs, guaranteeing the consistency and reliability of our ML models.

Closing Thoughts

Just as racers feel exhilaration crossing the finish line, our team feels an immense sense of achievement seeing our machine learning endeavors zoom with Flyte. As we gaze ahead, we’re optimistic, ready to embrace the new challenges and milestones that await. 🏎️

If you are drawn to this type of work, check out our job openings.

Kedro 6 Months In

We build AI software in two modes: experimentation and productization. During experimentation, we are trying to see if modern technology will solve our problem. If it does, we move on to productization and build reliable data pipelines at scale.

This presents a cyclical dependency when it comes to data engineering. We need reliable and maintainable data engineering pipelines during experimentation, but don’t know what that pipeline should do until after we’ve completed the experiments. In the past, I and many data scientists I know have used an ad-hoc combination of bash scripts and Jupyter Notebooks to wrangle experimental data. While this may have been the fastest way to get experimental results and model building, it’s really a technical debt that has to be paid down the road.

The Problem

Specifically, the ad-hoc approach to experimental data pipelines causes pain points around:

  • Reproducibility: Ad-hoc experimentation structures puts you at risk of making results that others can’t reproduce, which can lead to product downtime if or when you need to update your approach. Simple mistakes like executing a notebook cell twice or forgetting to seed a random number generator can usually be caught. But other, more insidious problems can occur, such as behavior changes between dependency versions.
  • Readability: If you’ve ever come across another person’s experimental code, you know it’s hard to find where to start. Even documented projects might just say “run x script, y notebook, etc”, and it’s often unclear where the data come from and if you’re on the right track. Similarly, code reviews for data science projects are often hard to read: it’s asking a lot for a reader to differentiate between notebook code for data manipulation and code for visualization.
  • Maintainability: It’s common during data science projects to do some exploratory analysis or generate early results, and then revise how your data is processed or gathered. This becomes difficult and tedious when all of these steps are an unstructured collection of notebooks or scripts. In other words, the pipeline is hard to maintain: updating or changing it requires you to keep track of the whole thing.
  • Shareability: Ad-hoc collections of notebooks and bash scripts are also difficult for a team to work on concurrently. Each member has to ensure their notebooks are up to date (version control on notebooks is less than ideal), and that they have the correct copy of any intermediate data.

Enter Kedro

A lot of the issues above aren’t new to the software engineering discipline and have been largely solved in that space. This is where Kedro comes in. Kedro is a framework for building data engineering pipelines whose structure forces you to follow good software engineering practices. By using Kedro in the experimentation phase of projects, we build maintainable and reproducible data pipelines that produce consistent experimental results.

Specifically, Kedro has you organize your data engineering code into one or more pipelines. Each pipeline consists of a number of nodes: a functional unit that takes some data sets and parameters as inputs and produces new data sets, models, or artifacts.

This simple but strict project structure is augmented by their data catalog: a YAML file that specifies how and where the input and output data sets are to be persisted. The data sets can be stored either locally or in a cloud data storage service such as S3.

I started using Kedro about six months ago, and since then have leveraged it for different experimental data pipelines. Some of these pipelines were for building models that eventually were deployed to production, and some were collaborations with team members. Below, I’ll discuss the good and bad things I’ve found with Kedro and how it helped us create reproducible, maintainable data pipelines.

The Good

  • Reproducibility: I can’t say enough good things here: they nailed it. Their dependency management took a bit of getting used to but it forces a specific version on all dependencies, which is awesome. Also, the ability to just type kedro install and kedro run to execute the whole pipeline is fantastic. You still have to remember to seed random number generators, but even that is easy to remember if you put it in their params.yml file.
  • Function Isolation: Kedro’s fixed project structure encourages you to think about what logical steps are necessary for your pipeline, and write a single node for each step. As a result, each node tends to be short (in terms of lines of code) and specific (in terms of logic). This makes each node easy to write, test, and read later on.
  • Developer Parallelization: The small nodes also make it easier for developers to work together concurrently. It’s easy to spot nodes that won’t depend on each other, and they can be coded concurrently by different people.
  • Intermediate Data: Perhaps my favorite thing about Kedro is the data catalog. Just add the name of an output data set to catalog.yml and BOOM, it’ll be serialized to disk or your cloud data store. This makes it super easy to build up the pipeline: you work on one node, commit it, execute it, and save the results. It also comes in handy when working on a team. I can run an expensive node on a big GPU machine and save the results to S3, and another team member can simply start from there. It’s all baked in.
  • Code Re-usability: I’ll admit I have never re-used a notebook. At best I pulled up an old one to remind myself how I achieved some complex analysis, but even then I had to remember the intricacies of the data. The isolation of nodes, however, makes it easy to re-use them. Also, Kedro’s support for modular pipelines (i.e., packaging a pipeline into a pip package) makes it simple to share common code. We’ve created modular pipelines for common tasks such as image processing.

The Bad

While Kedro has solved many of the quality challenges in experimental data pipelines, we have noticed a few gotchas that required less than elegant work arounds:

  • Incremental Dataset: This support exists for reading data, but it’s lacking for writing datasets. This affected us a few times when we had a node that would take 8-10 hours to run. We lost work if the node failed part of the way through. Similarly, if the result data set didn’t fit in memory, there wasn’t a good way to save incremental results since the writer in Kedro assumes all partitions are in memory. This GitHub issue may fix it if the developers address it, but for now you have to manage partial results on your own.
  • Pipeline Growth: Pipelines can quickly get hard to follow since the input and outputs are just named variables that may or may not exist in the data catalog. Kedro Viz helps with this, but it’s a bit annoying to switch between the navigator and code. We’ve also started enforcing name consistency between the node names and their functions, as well as the data set names in the pipeline and the argument names in the node functions. Finally, making more, smaller pipelines is also a good way to keep your sanity. While all of these techniques help you to mentally keep track, it’s still the trade off you make for coding the pipelines by naming the inputs and outputs.
  • Visualization: This isn’t really considered much in Kedro, and is the one thing I’d say notebooks still have a leg up on. Kedro makes it easy for you to load the Kedro context in a notebook, however, so you can still fire one up to do some visualization. Ultimately, though, I’d love to see better support within Kedro for producing a graphical report that gets persisted to the 08_reporting layer. Right now we worked around this by making a node that renders a notebook to disk, but it’s a hack at best. I’d love better support for generating final, highly visual reports that can be versioned in the data catalog much like the intermediate data.


So am I a Kedro convert? Yah, you betcha. It replaces the spider-web of bash scripts and Python notebooks I used to use for my experimental data pipelines and model training, and enables better collaboration among our teams. It won’t replace a fully productionalized stream-based data pipeline for me, but it absolutely makes sure my experimental pipelines are maintainable, reproducible, and shareable.

Creating a Realtime Reactive App for a collaborative domain

Sampling is a Bazaarvoice product that allows consumers to join communities and claim a limited amount of free products. In return consumers provide honest & authentic product reviews for the products they sample. Products are released to consumers for reviews at the same time. This causes a rush to claim these products. This is an example of a collaborative domain problem, where many users are trying to act on the same data (as discussed in Eric Evens book Domain-Driven design).


Bazaarvoice ran a 2 day hackathon twice a year. Employees are free to use this time to explore any technologies or ideas they are interested in. From our hackathon events Bazaarvoice has developed significant new features and products like our advertising platform and our personalization capabilities. For the Bazaarvoice 2017.2 hackathon, the Belfast team demonstrated a solution to this collaborative domain problem using near real-time state synchronisation.    

Bazaarvoice uses React + Redux for our front end web development. These libraries use the concepts of unidirectional data flows and immutable state management. These mean there is always one source of truth, the store, and there is no confusion about how to mutate the application state. Typically, we use the side effect library redux-thunk to synchronise state between server and client via HTTP API calls. The problem here is that, the synchronisation one way, it is not reactive. The client can tell the server to mutate state, but not vice versa. In a collaborative domain where the data is changing all the time, near-real time synchronisation is critical to ensure a good UX.

To solve this we decided to use Google’s Firebase platform. This solution provided many features that work seamlessly together, such as OAuth authentication, CDN hosting and Realtime DB. One important thing to note about Firebase, it’s a backend as a service, there was no backend code in this project.

The Realtime Database provides a pub/sub model on nodes of the database, this allows clients to be always up-to-date with the latest state. With Firebase Realtime DB there is an important concept not to be overlooked, data can only be accessed by it’s key (point query).

You can think of the database as a cloud-hosted JSON tree. Unlike a SQL database, there are no tables or records. When you add data to the JSON tree, it becomes a node in the existing JSON structure with an associated key (Reference)

Hackathon Goals

  1. Realtime configurable UI
  2. Realtime campaign administration and participation
  3. Live Demo to the whole company for both of the above

Realtime configurable UI

During the hackathon demo we demonstrated updating the app’s style and content via the administration portal, this would allow clients to style the app to suite their branding. These updates were pushed in real time to 50+ client devices from Belfast to Austin (4,608 miles away). 

The code to achieve this state synchronisation across clients was deceptively easy!

Given the nature of react, once a style config update was received, every device just ‘reacted’.


Realtime campaign administration and participation

In the demo, we added 40 products to the live campaign. This pushed 40 products to the admin screen and to the 50+ mobile app. Participants were then instructed to claim items.

Admin view

Member view

All members were authenticated via OAuth providers (Facebook, Github or Gmail).

To my surprise the live demo went without a hitch. I’m pleased to add…. my team won the hackathon for the ‘Technical’ category.


Firebase was a pleasure to work with, everything worked as expected and it performed brilliantly in the live demo….even on their free tier. The patterns used in Firebase are a little unconventional for the more orthodox engineers, but if your objective is rapid development, Firebase is unparalleled by any other platform. Firebase Realtime Database produced a great UX for running Sampling campaigns. While Firebase will not be used in the production product, it provided great context for discussions on the benefits and possibilities of realtime data synchronisation.

Some years ago, I would have maintained that web development was the wild west of software engineering; solutions were being developed without discipline and were lacking a solid framework to build on. It just didn’t seem to have any of the characteristics I would associate with good engineering practices. Fast forward to today, we now have a wealth of tools, libraries and techniques that make web development feel sane.

In recent years front-end developers have embraced concepts like unidirectional dataflows, immutability, pure functions (no hidden side-effects), asynchronous coding and concurrency over threading. Im curious to see if these same concepts gain popularity in backend development as Node.js continues to grow as backend language.

Telling Your Data To “Back Off!” (or How To Effectively Use Streams)


Our Curations engineering team makes heavy use of serverless architecture. While this typically gives us the benefit of reduced costs, flexibility, and rapid development, it also requires us to ensure that our processes will run within the tight memory and lifecycle constraints of serverless instances.

In this article, I will describe an actual case where a scheduled job had started to fail, the discovery of the root cause and the refactor that resolved the issue. I will assume you have at least a rudimentary knowledge of Node JS and Amazon Web Services.

Content Export

Months previously, we built a scheduled job using AWS Lambdas that would kick off an export of our social content every 24 hours. In a nutshell, its purpose was to:

  1. Query for social content documents stored in a MongoDB server.
  2. Transform each document to a row in CSV format.
  3. Write out the CSV rows to a file in S3.

The resulting CSV files were meant for ingestion into an analytics tool to measure web site conversion impact.

It all worked fine for months. Then recently, this job began to fail.

Drowning in Content

For your viewing pleasure, here is an excerpted, condensed section of the main code:

function runExport(query) {
    .then((db) => {
      let exportCount = 0;
          // iterator function to perform on each document
          (content) => {
            // transform content doc to a csv row, then push to S3 writer
          // done function, no more documents
          () => {
  `documents exported: ${exportCount}`);

Each document from the database query is transformed into a CSV row, then pushed to our S3 writer which buffered all content until an s3.close(). At this point, the CSV data would be flushed out to the S3 destination bucket.

It was obvious from this implementation that heap usage would grow unbounded, as documents from the database would be loaded into resident memory as CSV data. As we aggregated content over the previous months, the data pushed into our export process began to generate frequent “out of heap memory” errors in our logs.

Memory Profile

To gain visibility into the memory usage, I wrote a quick and dirty MemProfiler class whose purpose was to sample memory usage using process.memoryUsage(), collecting the maximum heap used over the process lifetime.

class MemProfiler {
  constructor(collectInterval) {
    this.heapUsed = {
      min : null,
      max : null,
    if (collectInterval) {

  start(collectInterval = 500) {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => this.sample(), collectInterval);

  stop() {
    if (this.interval) {

  reset() {
    this.heapUsed = {
      min : null,
      max : null,

  sample() {
    const mem = process.memoryUsage();
    if (this.heapUsed.min === null || mem.heapUsed < this.heapUsed.min) {
      this.heapUsed.min = mem.heapUsed;
    if (this.heapUsed.max === null || mem.heapUsed > this.heapUsed.max) {
      this.heapUsed.max = mem.heapUsed;

I then added the MemProfiler to the runExport code:

function runExport(query) {
    .then((db) => {
      let exportCount = 0;
          (content) => {
            // transform content doc to a csv row, then push to S3 writer
          () => {
  `documents exported: ${exportCount}`);
            console.log(` max: ${memProf.heapUsed.max/1024/1024} MB`);
            console.log(` min: ${memProf.heapUsed.min/1024/1024} MB`);

Running the export against a small set of 16,900 documents yielded this result:

documents exported: 16900
max: 30.32764434814453 MB
min: 8.863059997558594 MB

Then running against a larger set of 34,000 documents:

documents exported: 34000
max: 36.204505920410156 MB
min: 8.962921142578125 MB

Testing with additional documents increased the heap memory usage linearly as we expected.

Enter the Stream

The necessary code rewrite had one goal in mind: ensure the memory profile was constant, whether a total of one document was processed or a million. Since this was a batch process, we could trade off memory usage for processing time.

Let’s reiterate the primary operations:

  1. Fetch a document
  2. Transform the document to a CSV row
  3. Write the CSV row to S3

If I may present an analogy, we have widgets moving down the assembly line from one station to the next. The conveyor belt on which the widgets are transported is moving at a constant rate, which means the throughput at each station is constant. We could increase the speed of that conveyor belt, but only as fast as can be handled by the slowest station.

In Node JS, streams are the assembly line stations, and pipes are the conveyor belt. Let’s examine the three primary types of streams:

  1. Readable streams: This is typically an upstream data source that feeds data to a writable or transform stream. In our case, this is the MongoDB find query.
  2. Transform streams: This typically takes upstream data, performs a calculation or transformation operation on it and feeds it out downstream. In our case, this would take a MongoDB document and transform it to a CSV row.
  3. Writable streams: This is typically the terminating point of a data flow. In our case this is the writing of a CSV row to S3.

Readable Stream

Conveniently, the MongoDB Node JS driver’s find() function returns a Cursor object that extends the Node JS Readable stream. How convenient!

const streamContentReader = db.collection('content').find(query);

Transform Stream

All we need to do is extend the Transform stream class, and override the _transform() method to transform the content to a CSV row, push it out the other end, and signal upstream that it is ready for the next content.

class CsvTransformer extends Transform {
  constructor(options) {

  _transform(content, encoding, callback) {
    // write row
    const { _id, authoredAt, client, channel, mediaType, permalink , text, textLanguage } = content;
    const csvRow = `${_id},${authoredAt},${client},${channel},${mediaType},${permalink}${text},${textLanguage}\n`;
    // signal upstream that we are ready to take more data

Writable Stream

Let’s purposely mock the S3 Writer for now. It does nothing here, but realistically, we would buffer up incoming data, then flush out the buffer in chunks over the network for best throughput.

class S3Writer extends Writable {
  constructor(options) {

  _write(data, encoding, callback) {
    // TODO: probably use a fixed size buffer
    // that we write to and then flush out to S3 using
    // multipart data upload

Pipe ‘Em Up

We now create the three streams:

const streamContentReader = db.collection('content').find(query);
const streamCsvTransformer = new CsvTransformer({ objectMode: true });
const streamS3Writer = new S3Writer();

Streams alone do nothing. What makes them useful is connecting the output from one stream to the input of another. In stream terminology, this is called piping, and is accomplished using the stream’s pipe method:


Although the native pipe method is perfectly functional, I highly recommend using the pump library. In addition to being more readable by passing in an array of streams to pipe together, we can also invoke then() when the pipe has finished, as well as handle close or error events emitted by the streams:

pump([ streamContentReader, streamCsvTransformer, streamS3Writer ])
  .then(() => {
    console.log(`documents exported: ${exportCount}`);
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

CSV and S3 Write Streams

I purposely did not implement the S3Writer above, because npm is a treasure trove of solutions! The s3-write-stream library will take care of buffering, using multipart upload and handling retries, so we don’t have to get our hands too dirty. And wouldn’t you know it, there is also the csv-write-stream library that will generate properly escaped CSV rows.

As an exercise, you the reader may want to try using the s3-write-stream and csv-write-stream. Trust me, once you get the hang of streaming, you will enjoy it!

Back Off!

Let’s touch back on the issue of memory usage.

What if a write stream becomes blocked for a period of time? Maybe we are writing data to a third-party service over HTTP and network congestion or service throttling is slowing the write rate. The readable stream will happily pump data in as fast as it can. Won’t that cause increased heap usage as all that data gets backed up and buffered?

The quick answer is “no”. In the implementation of the _write() method of your writable stream, when done with the data chunk (after writing to a file for example), call callback(). This signals to the incoming stream that it is ready to receive the next chunk. You can also provide a highWaterMark to the writable stream constructor to give a specific number of objects to buffer before pausing the incoming stream. This is all handled internally by the Node JS streams implementation. No more unbounded buffering!

For a deep dive into the concept of backpressure control, read this great article on Backpressuring in Streams.

Stream ‘Em If You Got ’em!

Our team is now in the process of utilizing Node JS streams whenever we read in volumes of data, process that data, then write out the results. We are now seeing great gains in both stability and maintainability!


Node JS Streams API

Article: Backpressuring in Streams:

MongoDB Cursor Stream

Pump Module

CSV Write Stream Module:

S3 Write Stream Module:


Maintaining Test Data with the “someObject” Test Structure

Language: Scala
TestTool: Scalatest

How did we get here?

When systems become reasonably complex, tests must manage cumbersome amounts of data. A test case that may test a small bit of functionality may start to require large amounts of domain knowledge about the system being tested. This is often done through the mock data used to set up the test. Maintenance of this data becomes cumbersome, monotonous and can feel Sisyphean. To solve these problems we created “someObject”, a modular system that allows us to maintain data in only one location while providing the flexibility to create specific data for our tests.

Let’s Do A Code Time!

To start this post, we’re going to build a system without the “someObject” test structure to provide context for its use. (To skip to the “someObject” structure, jump to here!). Suppose we are building a service that reports on advertising campaigns. We may create a class that describes an advertising campaign and call it `Campaign`.

case class Campaign(id: String,
    name: String,
    client: String,
    startDate: UTCDate,
    deleted: Boolean)

Now we are going to store this campaign in a database, and we need to write some integration tests to make sure this operation is performed properly. A test that confirms a campaign is stored properly might look like this:

it should "properly store a single campaign" in {
    Given("we have a proper campaign")
    val campaignToStore = Campaign(
        id = "someId",
        name = "someName",
        client = "someClient",
        startDate = UTCDate(1955, 10, 6),
        endDate = UTCDate(1956, 10, 6),
        deleted = false)

    And("we store this campaign in the database")

    When("we fetch the given campaign")
    val fetchedCampaign:Campaign = database.fetchCampaign()

    Then("All the campaign values were stored properly") shouldBe shouldBe
    fetchedCampaign.client shouldBe campaignToStore.client
    fetchedCampaign.startDate shouldBe campaignToStore.startDate
    fetchedCampaign.endDate shouldBe campaignToStore.endDate
    fetchedCampaign.deleted shouldBe campaignToStore.deleted


Add some functionality:

Now we add the ability to update some values for this campaign in the database, and we need to test this new piece of functionality. That test might look something like this:

it should "properly update a single campaign" in {
    Given("we have a proper campaign")
    val campaignToStore = Campaign(
        id = "someId",
        name = "someName",
        client = "someClient",
        startDate = UTCDate(1955, 10, 6),
        endDate = UTCDate(1956, 10, 6),
        deleted = false)

    And("some update parameters for our campaign")
    val updateParameters = UpdateParameters(name = Some("someNewName"))

    And("we store this campaign in the database")

    When("we update this campaign")
    database.updateCampaign("someId", updateParameters)

    val fetchedCampaign:Campaign = database.fetchCampaign("someId")

    Then("All the campaign values were stored properly")
    //Unchanged values shouldBe
    fetchedCampaign.client shouldBe campaignToStore.client
    fetchedCampaign.startDate shouldBe campaignToStore.startDate
    fetchedCampaign.endDate shouldBe campaignToStore.endDate
    fetchedCampaign.deleted shouldBe campaignToStore.deleted
    //Changed values shouldBe


But here we see the duplication of test boilerplate code in `campaignToStore`. We don’t want to have to copy over `campaignToStore` into every test, so we might want to abstract that out to be used all over the suite.

object MyCampaignTestObjects {
    val campaignToStore = Campaign(
        id = "someId",
        name = "someName",
        client = "someClient",
        startDate = UTCDate(1955, 10, 6),
        endDate = UTCDate(1956, 10, 6),
        deleted = false)


Now we can use the same data in every test!

Add a Test that requires unique data:

Suppose we now write a function to fetch all the campaigns that are stored in the database. We might need a test that involves uniqueness in the data we store, such as the following example:

it should "properly fetch all stored campaigns" in {
    Given("we store several unique campaigns")
    val anotherCampaignToStore = Campaign(
        id = "someSecondId",
        name = "someSecondName",
        client = "someSecondClient",
        startDate = UTCDate(1955, 10, 6),
        endDate = UTCDate(1956, 10, 6),
        deleted = false)

    When("we fetch all campaigns")
    val allCampaigns = database.fetchAllCampaigns()

    Then("all campaigns are returned")
    allCampaigns shouldBe List(campaignToStore, anotherCampaignToStore)


In the example, we re-used the campaign we abstracted out earlier for conciseness, but this makes this test unclear that `anotherCampaignToStore` is unique. What if someone else comes in and changes `campaignToStore` and it happens to match data from `anotherCampaignToStore`? This test would then become flakey and nobody likes flakey tests. We might decide to just make all data used in this test local to this test, but then we will need to maintain the test data in both this test, and `MyCampaignTestObjects`.

Add Some Arbitrary Data Constraints:

Suppose now that there is a new design constraint on how campaigns can be stored in the database. Now all client names must be lowercased in all campaigns:

object MyCampaignTestObjects {
    val campaignToStore = Campaign(
    id = "someId",
    name = "someName",
    //We change the client name to match our new requirement
    client = "some_client",
    startDate = UTCDate(1955, 10, 6),
    endDate = UTCDate(1956, 10, 6),
    deleted = false)


Now we start to see the issue with maintaining test data across the whole suite that we’ve been constructing. We need to find every mock campaign that is used in our suite and ensure that its client field data is lowercased. Realistically, many of our tests, (specifically in this example, the `fetchAllCampaigns` test) don’t care about the client field of their campaign, and so we shouldn’t need to care about the client field value while setting up our mock test data. Because this example is small, it’s not cumbersome to directly update the value to satisfy the new constraint. Now let us Imagine a large set of suites, each containing hundreds of unique test cases. Suddenly this single suite requires a large amount of work to refactor one field across each test case. Nobody wants to do that monotonous maintenance. To address this, our team adopted the “someObject” structure to minimize this data maintenance within our tests.

someObject Test Structure:

When designing this test structure, we wanted to make our test data extendable for use anywhere it is needed. We used Scala’s `trait` to mix in necessary functions to provide test objects to the objects inside our tests, such as the `MyCampaignTestObjects` object above:

trait CampaignTestObjects {
    def someCampaign(id: String = "someId",
                     name: String = "someName",
                     client: String = "some_client",
                     startDate: UTCDate = UTCDate(1955, 10, 6),
                     endDate: UTCDate = UTCDate(1956, 10, 6),
                     deleted: Boolean = false): Campaign =
            id = id,
            name = name,
            client = client,
            startDate = startDate,
            endDate = endDate,
            deleted = deleted)
 object MyCampaignTestObjects extends CampaignTestObjects {
    //Any other setup methods for test data

Now we can revisit our `fetchAllCampaigns` test example.

it should "properly fetch all stored campaigns" in {
    Given("we store several unique campaigns")
    val campaignToStore = someCampaign(id = "someId")
    val anotherCampaignToStore = someCampaign(id = "someNewId")

    When("we fetch all campaigns")
    val allCampaigns = database.fetchAllCampaigns()

    Then("all campaigns are returned")
    allCampaigns shouldBe List(campaignToStore, anotherCampaignToStore)


Inside this test, we’ve set up two unique campaigns, by calling the `someCampaign` method from our test data trait. This populates the returned campaign with dummy data that we don’t care about. All we need out of this method is “some campaign” with “some data”. Now, instead of obscuring the intent of the test case by setting up cumbersome, overly-expressive mock data, we can simply override the implicitly available mock objects with only the necessary data. For the unique campaigns needed in the `fetchAllCampaigns` test, we only only really care about each campaign’s identifier. We don’t update the name, client, startDate, etc. because this test doesn’t care about any of that data. We only need to care that the campaigns are unique for our database. Under this test structure, when we receive the design change about the client names being lowercased, we don’t need to update our `fetchAllCampaigns`.

Another Example:

Let’s provide another example that our team encountered. Campaigns inside our database now need to also store the amount of money spent on each ad campaign. We’re adding a new column to our database, and changing the database schema.

case class Campaign(id: String,
    name: String,
    client: String,
    totalAdSpend: Int,
    startDate: UTCDate,
    endDate: UTCDate,
    deleted: Boolean)

Now, every test that has a campaign involved needs to be updated to include a new field; but under the “someObject” structure we only need to add two lines and all existing tests should be working fine again:

trait CampaignTestObjects {

    def someCampaign(id: String = "someId",
                     name: String = "someName",
                     client: String = "some_client",
                     totalAdSpend: Int = 123456,
                     startDate: UTCDate = UTCDate(1955, 10, 6),
                     endDate: UTCDate = UTCDate(1956, 10, 6),
                     deleted: Boolean = false): Campaign =
            id = id,
            name = name,
            client = client,
            totalAdSpend = totalAdSpend,
            startDate = startDate,
            endDate = endDate,
            deleted = deleted)



Behavior Driven Tests:

The purpose of the “someObject” structure is to minimize data maintenance within tests. We want to ensure that we’re disciplined about only setting data that the tests need to care about. There are cases where data might seem necessary for what we are testing, but we can abstract that data away to de-couple the test’s reliance on hard coded values. For example, suppose we have a function that returns the sum of all the `totalAdSpend` across our database.

def sumAllSpend(campaignsToSum: List[Campaign]):Int = 
    campaignsToSum.reduce(_.totalAdSpend + _.totalAdSpend)

To test this function, we might write a test like this:

it should "properly sum all totalAdSpend" in {
    Given("we store several unique campaigns")
    val campaignToStore = someCampaign(id = "someId", totalAdSpend = 123)
    val anotherCampaignToStore = someCampaign(id = "someNewId", totalAdSpend = 456)

    When("we sum all ad spend")
    val totalTotalAdSpend = sumAllSpend(database.fetchAllCampaigns())

    Then("the result is the sum of all ad spend")
    totalTotalAdSpend shouldBe 975


While this test does work, and it utilizes this “someObject” structure, it still forces data management at the test level.

`sumAllSpend` doesn’t really care about any one campaign’s `totalAdSpend` value. It only cares that we add all of the `totalAdSpend` values up correctly. We could instead write our test to assert on this behavior instead of doing the math ourselves and taking on the responsibility of managing more data.

it should "properly sum all totalAdSpend" in {
   Given("we store several unique campaigns")
   val campaignToStore = someCampaign(id = "someId")
   val anotherCampaignToStore = someCampaign(id = "someNewId")

   val allCampaignsToStore = List(campaignToStore,anotherCampaignToStore)
   allCampaignsToStore.foreach(campaign =&amp;gt; database.storeCampaign(campaign))

   When("we sum all ad spend")
   val totalTotalAdSpend = sumAllSpend(database.fetchAllCampaigns())

   Then("the result is the sum of all ad spend")
   totalTotalAdSpend shouldBe allCampaignsToStore.reduce(_.totalAdSpend + _.totalAdSpend)


With this test, we don’t care what campaigns sales were, we don’t care how many campaigns are stored, and we don’t care about any constant value. This test will return the sum of all campaign’s `totalAdSpend` value that we store in the database.


In this introductory blog post, we explored the someObject testing structure in scala, but this concept is not intended to be language specific. Scala makes this concept easy to implement through the use of Default Parameter Values but in a future post I’ll show how it can be implemented through the Builder Pattern in a language like Java. Another unexplored “someObject” concept is the granularity of control in setting default data. This post introduces the “global” and test specific setting of default data, but doesn’t explore how to set test suite level data for our test objects, and the cases in which that might be useful. I’ll discuss that the future post as well.

Code snippets:


Augment your pattern library with page types

Pattern libraries sometimes fall short of helping enterprise teams build different products the same way. These palettes of components (toolbars, pop-ins) and patterns (searching, navigating) can be assembled into any number of UIs, leading to too many right answers. While the public pattern libraries like Google Material must accommodate countless unimagined applications, our private libraries can serve us better.

We have special insight into our own users’ workflows. A page type is a layout and set of patterns packaged together according to the workflow they support. If your pattern library is a basket of ingredients, your page types are the recipes.

These starting points are immensely helpful in a few ways:

  1. Designers starting from 80% instead of from scratch are more likely to approach their design problems in the same way.
  2. Development teams without designers often have everything they need to start building.
  3. Teams have vocabulary that connects patterns to workflows.
  4. Page types make workflow-specific pattern definitions possible.

Defining page types

Workflow-specific pattern definitions

Many pattern libraries, especially the older ones like Yahoo Design Pattern Library, take a bottom-up approach. Documentation starts with the component, noting its general purpose, but focusing primarily on its interactive states. A handful of examples show the component used in various contexts. It is up to designers to imagine how this information relates to their own projects.

Page types are top-down: in this workflow, these components are used in this way.

The example below shows two Object Editor pages with different interpretations of “Toolbar.” The top applies Google Material’s definition of Toolbar:

Toolbar actions appear above the view affected by their actions.

The bottom applies a workflow-specific definition of Toolbar:

If the object is edited indirectly and previewed, configuration actions and preview actions are separated into panel and toolbar, respectively. In this way, the user is not led to believe temporary preview modes (like zoom) are saved with their configuration.

It takes a lot of design thinking to work through how components could best serve a workflow. It is highly valuable, then, to document your best solutions.

Essential page types

Page type documentation prescribes the layout, component arrangement, and interactive patterns used to achieve a desired workflow. Here’s list of page types common to enterprise applications:

  • Manager
    Manipulate a collection of objects.
  • Editor
    Edit an object.
  • Detail
    Consume information through exploration.
  • Navigation
    Consume information by reading it.
Top: Object Manager, Bottom: Object Editor

Identifying page types

In application design, the layout and use of components on any given page create a workflow that serve the page’s central purpose. If the central purpose of your application page is not singular, your design is probably overcomplicated. Before you invent a new page type, reconsider your application architecture.

For example, the central purpose of a document editor is to edit a document. If the page is well-designed, its layout maximizes the editable area, and its buttons and tools all relate to editing. Notice that Google did not smash document editing, management, and publishing into one page.

Object Editor

Optimizing workflows

Sometimes different workflows serve the same central purpose. For example, direct editing and configuration are very different workflows even though their central purpose, Object Editing, is the same. In cases like these, it’s appropriate to offer variations.

Top: directly editing, Bottom: configuration with preview

While page types promote focused design, discipline should not compromise usability. In the examples above, direct editing is the easiest way to work with text. Configuration is the easiest way for non-technical users to change XML values, build an email template, or add filters to a photo, etc.

Optimizing content presentation

It’s important to differentiate between workflow and content presentation: tables emphasize data, lists emphasize titles, cards emphasize media, etc. If the workflow is the same, one page type can house various content types in their optimal formats. In the Object Manager examples below, relevant activities—finding, filtering, selecting, applying actions, etc.—are the same and can be accessed the same way.

Object Manager with tables

Object Manager with list

Similarly, let workflow define your page types, not content presentation or layout. “Table page” is not a good page type because your users do not want to table.

Using page types

Page type templates accelerate design and development projects by advancing their starting points. They also simplify the information architecture design process by providing constraint:

Each screen maps to a page type.

Therefore, each screen represents a workflow with singular purpose. Adhering to this principle influences decisions around how to group functionality into various pages.

Page type templates dropped into a IA map. Created in Mindmeister app.

An IA design that uses your company’s set of established page types as illustrations is more tangible to stakeholders.

What are your page types?

Page types are not new; website designers—especially those who use template-based CMS’s like Joomla—have been using them all along. They are essential to Information Architecture.

We application designers have been somewhat distracted. Pattern libraries—especially when incorporated into UI development environments like Storybook—are incredibly useful. However, only we know what we want to help our users do. Our own private pattern libraries can be far more workflow-aware than the public libraries from which we draw our inspiration.

What are your page types?

This post was originally published on

Three Takeaways from CSSConf 2016

This year Bazaarvoice sponsored CSSConf 2016 in beautiful Boston, MA, USA and I was able to attend!
Here are my three top takeaways from CSSConf 2016:

Flexy Flexy Flexbox

A little over a year ago, our application team wasn’t sure how “stable” Flexbox or its spec were: there was already an old syntax, a new syntax, and a weird IE10 “tweener” syntax.

The layout advantages Flexbox brought were strong enough (*cough* vertical centering) that we decided to move forward with it and prefix all the things. Now browser support is so good that if you can drop IE8 and work around some known IE11 bugs, there is no reason not to use Flexbox in your designs right now.

A great reference I keep going back to for Flexbox is this css-tricks guide. Here are some other tips and tricks from the conference:

  • Flexbox is now available in Bootstrap 4
  • Use CSS Grid (when it becomes available) for major page layout, and Flexbox for UI elements
  • For mobile / small screens: add a media query and set the flex-direciton to column to stack your cells instead
  • Do as much as you can on the container to keep your code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
  • We can finally get rid of that pesky col-2, col-8, col-crapIAddedWrong grid system!

For more information, I recommend CSS4 Grid: True Layout Finally Arrives by Jen Kramer and It’s Time To Ditch The Grid System by Emily Hayman.

Stop Thinking In Pixels

The talk Stop Thinking In Pixels by Keith Grant was particularly enlightening.
The basic premise was not to micromanage your CSS:

Without fully understanding what CSS is doing for us, we try to push through it to control exactly what is going on in the browser.

Driving this point home, Keith recommended to stop thinking in pixels because

The pixels don’t matter. Let the browser do it.

You should instead be thinking in terms of the em and rem. Tools that simply convert px to em aren’t the answer either — you’re still thinking in terms of pixels and therefore missing out on some important benefits. Instead, learn from something like type scale and approach measurements with a fresh perspective.

I recommend watching the talk in full, but a quick cheatsheet follows:

Property Recommended Unit
font-size rem
padding, margin, border-radius, etc. em
border-width px

When in doubt, use em.

To summarize,

Ems are the most powerful when you fully embrace them.

Apps vs Documents

In this day and age we are all used to thinking in terms of “apps”. But the trinity of HTML, CSS, and JS was not conceived in this day and age. Two great quotes I wrote down from Component-Based Style Reuse by Pete Hunt are

CSS is great for documents, maybe not 2016 Apps


If you sat down and created styling in 2016, you would not come up with CSS

Our newest applications are written in React, which encourages developers to think of things in terms of components — pieces of UI that are reusable in different contexts. The Cascading part of CSS interferes with that, however: depending on the context your component is dropped into, it may look drastically different across usages. When that is not what you want, Pete’s ideas center around reusing components, not CSS classes.

As you can imagine, this idea is largely controversial in a conference with a name like CSSConf, but I will continue to keep my eye on it. Pete’s thought leadership on this topic inspires me to challenge norms and dare to envision things differently. After all, if we’re constantly fighting with our tool (CSS), that tool may not be right for the job.

Thanks for reading! For a full list of talks and slides from the conference, check out