Context and Higher Order Components: Two Immediately Applicable Topics from the Advanced React Workshop

Thanks to Bazaarvoice I recently attended an “Advanced React Workshop” put on by React Training and taught by Ryan Florence, one of the creators of React Router.

Ryan was an engaging teacher and the workshop was filled with memorable quotes. Here are some highlights:

  • The great conundrum of accessibility is that learning it is not accessible.
  • Like forceUpdate, never use context alone. Always bring a friend with you.
  • Good abstractions can always recreate other abstractions.
  • Is that a Justin Beiber song?

The training took place over two days in East Austin and I learned a ton of stuff that I was able to immediately put to use in my day-to-day projects. Let’s dive right in.


In addition to the familiar props and state, React components also have access to a magical thing called context.

Context is for when your application has a hierarchical structure and needs to pass data from a parent component down to another level of child component (child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc.). As the React documentation puts it,

“In some cases, you want to pass data through the component tree without having to pass the props down manually at every level. You can do this directly in React with the powerful “context” API.”

Before we move on to the context API itself, let’s make it a little more clear why you would want to use it.

Consider the previous example of a parent node with a child, grandchild, and great grandchild. In order for the parent to pass a property (via props) down to the great-grandchild, it would first need to pass the property through child and grandchild. Note that there is no other reason for child and grandchild to care about that property.

As you can imagine, the desire to eliminate this kind of cruft increases as your project grows in size and complexity.

Context to the Rescue

context helps by passing properties through the tree automatically and any component in the subtree can access them.

When Your Component is Providing Context

Components (like parent in the example above) define a static childContextTypes object that defines the properties that they will put on context. childContextTypes is very similar to the propTypes object that we’re already familiar with.

Additionally, components that are putting properties on context must actually provide their values, and do so via the getChildContext component member function. This function should return an object with the same structure as defined in childContextTypes.

For example:

// Parent.js

static childContextTypes = {
  rating: React.PropTypes.string

// Just like a React lifecycle method.
// Don't worry about when this actually gets called.
getChildContext () {
  return {
    rating: '4.5'

When Your Component is Consuming Context

To continue the example, your great-grandchild component now must consume this property. It can do so by defining a static contextTypes object that describes the context properties it expects, and can then pull the properties off of this.context directly.

// GreatGrandchild.js

static contextTypes {
  rating: React.PropTypes.string

render () {
  const { rating } = this.context;
  // Do stuff with rating.

Common Use Cases

Great use cases for context include localization, theming, etc. Basically any time you have things you don’t want to have to pass down through a bunch of components that don’t need to know about them. In fact, React Redux uses context to make its store available to all of your project’s components – imagine how cumbersome it would be to pass the store to every single component!

Common Pitfalls

Name collisions is a common pitfall. Consider the case where a component that has both a parent and grand parent component that provide a rating property on context. The suggested workaround in this case is to name your context after your component:

class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
  static childContextTypes = {
    parentComponent: React.PropTypes.shape({
      rating: React.PropTypes.string

class GrandParentComponent extends React.Component {
  static childContextTypes = {
    grandParentComponent: React.PropTypes.shape({
      rating: React.PropTypes.string

Then your child component could differentiate the two: this.context.parentComponent.rating versus this.context.grandParentComponent.rating.

User Beware!

A post about context would not be complete without pointing out that the very first section in React’s documentation about context is titled “Why Not To Use Context”, and it includes dire warnings like:
“If you want your application to be stable, don’t use context.”, and “It [Context] is an experimental API and it is likely to break in future releases of React.”

Ryan did point out to us however, that even though the documentation warns that the Context API is likely to change, it is one of the only React APIs that has stayed constant 😛

Higher Order Components

In software, a higher order function is a function that returns another function. Consider:

function add (x) {
  return function (y) {
    return x + y;

const addBy2 = add(2);

addBy2(10); // 12

Similarly, a Higher Order Component is a function that returns a (React) Component.

 * A higher order component that facilitates the creation of
 * container components that simply wrap divs around their children.
 * @param  {String} displayName - The displayName of the returned component.
 * @param  {String} className   - The class name to use for the wrapper div.
 * @return {Component}          - A React component.
export function build(displayName, className) {
  const ContainerComponent = (props) => (
    <div className={className}>{ props.children }</div>

  ContainerComponent.displayName = displayName;
  ContainerComponent.propTypes = {
    children: React.PropTypes.node

  return ContainerComponent; 

// Usage:
export const WidgetHeader = build('WidgetHeader', 'bv_header');
export const WidgetBody = build('WidgetBody', 'bv_body');
export const WidgetFooter = build('WidgetFooter', 'bv_footer');

Higher Order Components are great for reducing redundancy across components, and can also be used to “wrap up” a lot of complexity and encapsulate it, which allows the rest of your components to stay simple and straightforward. If you were familiar with the old React mixins, Higher Order Components replace a lot of what mixins did.

That’s All, Folks!

Context and Higher Order Components are just two topics I was able to immediately integrate into my React projects here at Bazaarvoice. Hopefully you will find them useful too!