Category Archives: Developer Portal

Vger Lets You Boldly Go . . .

Are you working on an agile team? Odds are high that you probably are. Whether you do Scrum/Kanban/lean/extreme, you are all about getting work done with the least resistance possible. Heck, if you are still on Waterfall, you care about that.  But how well are you doing? Do you know? Is that something a developer or a lead should even worry about or is a SEP? That’s a trick question. If your team is being held accountable and there is a gap between their expectations and your delivery, by the transitive property, you should worry about some basic lean metrics.

Here at Bazaarvoice, we are agile and overwhelmingly leverage kanban. Kanban emphasizes the disciplines of flow and continuous improvement. In an effort to make data-driven decisions about our improvements, we needed an easy way to get the relevant data. With just JIRA and GitHub alone, access to the right data has a significant barrier to entry.

So, like any enterprising group of engineers, we built an app for that.

What we did

Some of us had recently gone through an excellent lean metric forecasting workshop with Troy Magennis from Focused Objective. In his training he presented the idea of displaying a quadrant of lean metrics in order to force a narrative for a teams behavior, and to avoid overdriving on a single metric. This really resonated with me and seemed like good paradigm for the app we wanted to build.

And thus, Vger was born.

We went with a simple quadrant view with very bookmarkable url parameters. We made it simple to for teams to self-service by giving them an interface to make their own “Vger team” and add whatever “Vger boards” they need.  Essentially, if you can make a JQL query and give it a board in JIRA, Vger can graph the metrics for it. In the display, we provide a great deal of flexibility by letting teams configure date ranges for the dashboard, work types to be displayed, and the JIRA board columns to be considered as working/non-working.

Now the barrier to entry for lean metrics is down to “can you open a browser.”  Not too shabby.

The Quadrant View

We show the following in the quadrant view:

1. Throughput – The number of completed tickets per week.

2. Variation – the variation (standard deviation/mean) for the Throughput.

3. Backlog Growth – the tickets opened versus closed.

4. Lead Times – The lead times for the completed tickets. This also provides a detailed view by Jira board column to see where you spend most of your time.

We at Bazaarvoice are conservative gamblers, so you’ll see the throughput and lead time quadrants show the 50%, 80%, and 90% likelihood (the inverse of percentile).  We do this because relying on the average or mean is not your friend. Who want’s to bet on a coin toss? Not us. We like to be right say, eight out of ten times.

The Quarterly View

Later, we were asked to show throughput by quarter to help with quarterly goal planning. We created a side-car page for this.  It shows Throughput by quarter:

We also built a scatterplot for lead times so outliers could be investigated:

This view has zoomable regions and each point lets you click through to the corresponding JIRA ticket. So that’s nice.

But Wait! Git This….

From day one, we chose to show the same Quadrant for GitHub Pull Requests.

Note that we show rejected and merged lines in the PR Volume quadrant.  We also support overlaying your git tags on both PR and JIRA ticket data.  Pretty sweet!

I Want to Do More

Vger lets you download throughput data from the Quadrant and Quarterly views. You can also download lead time from the Quarterly view too. This lets teams and individuals perform their own visualizations and investigations on these very useful lean metrics.

But Why?

Vger was built with three use cases in mind:

Teams should be informed in retros

Teams should have easy access to these key lean metrics in their retros. We recommend that they start off viewing the quadrant and seeing if they agree with the narrative the retro facilitator presents. They should also consider the results of any improvement experiments they tried. Did the new behavior make throughput go up as they hoped it would? It the new behavior reduce time spent in code review? Did it reduce the number open bugs? etc.  Certainly not everything in a retro should be mercilessly data-driven, but it is a key element to a culture of continuous improvement.

Managers should know this data and speak to it

Team managers commonly speak to how their teams are progressing. These discussions should be data-driven, and most importantly it should be driven by the same data the team has access to (and hopefully retros to). It should also be presented in a common format that still provides for some customization. NOTE: You should avoid comparing team to team in Vger or a similar visualization. In most situations, that way leads to futility, confusion, and frustration.

We should have data to drive data-driven decisions about the future

Lean forecasting is beyond the scope of this post however, Troy Magennis has a fine take on it.  My short two cents on the matter is: a reasonably functioning team with even a little bit of run time should never be asked “how long will it take?”  Drop that low value ritual and do the high value task of decomposing the work, then forecast with historical data. Conveniently, you can download this historical data from Vger you used in your spreadsheet of choice.  I happen to like monte carlo simulations myself.

Isn’t This for Kanban?

You’ll note I used the term “lean metrics” throughout. I wanted to avoid any knee-jerk “kanban vs scrum vs ‘how we do things'”reaction. These metrics apply no matter what methodology you consciously (or unconsciously) use for the flow of work through your team.  It was built for feature development teams in mind, but we had good success when our client implementation team started using it as an early adopter. It allowed them to have a clear view into their lead time details and ferret out how much time was really spent waiting on clients to perform an action on their end.

Cool. How Do I Get a Vger?

We open sourced it here, so help yourself. This presented as “it worked for us”-ware and is not as finely polished as it could be, so it has some caveats. It is a very simple serverless app. We use JIRA and GitHub, so only those tools are currently supported. If you use similar, give Vger a try!

What’s Next?

If your fingers are itching to contribute, here’s some ideas:

  • Vger’s ETL process could really use an update
  • The Quadrant view UI really needs an update to React to match the Quarterly view
  • Make it flexible for your chosen issue tracker or source control?
  • How about adding a nice Cumulative Flow Diagram?


Creating a Realtime Reactive App for a collaborative domain

Sampling is a Bazaarvoice product that allows consumers to join communities and claim a limited amount of free products. In return consumers provide honest & authentic product reviews for the products they sample. Products are released to consumers for reviews at the same time. This causes a rush to claim these products. This is an example of a collaborative domain problem, where many users are trying to act on the same data (as discussed in Eric Evens book Domain-Driven design).


Bazaarvoice ran a 2 day hackathon twice a year. Employees are free to use this time to explore any technologies or ideas they are interested in. From our hackathon events Bazaarvoice has developed significant new features and products like our advertising platform and our personalization capabilities. For the Bazaarvoice 2017.2 hackathon, the Belfast team demonstrated a solution to this collaborative domain problem using near real-time state synchronisation.    

Bazaarvoice uses React + Redux for our front end web development. These libraries use the concepts of unidirectional data flows and immutable state management. These mean there is always one source of truth, the store, and there is no confusion about how to mutate the application state. Typically, we use the side effect library redux-thunk to synchronise state between server and client via HTTP API calls. The problem here is that, the synchronisation one way, it is not reactive. The client can tell the server to mutate state, but not vice versa. In a collaborative domain where the data is changing all the time, near-real time synchronisation is critical to ensure a good UX.

To solve this we decided to use Google’s Firebase platform. This solution provided many features that work seamlessly together, such as OAuth authentication, CDN hosting and Realtime DB. One important thing to note about Firebase, it’s a backend as a service, there was no backend code in this project.

The Realtime Database provides a pub/sub model on nodes of the database, this allows clients to be always up-to-date with the latest state. With Firebase Realtime DB there is an important concept not to be overlooked, data can only be accessed by it’s key (point query).

You can think of the database as a cloud-hosted JSON tree. Unlike a SQL database, there are no tables or records. When you add data to the JSON tree, it becomes a node in the existing JSON structure with an associated key (Reference)

Hackathon Goals

  1. Realtime configurable UI
  2. Realtime campaign administration and participation
  3. Live Demo to the whole company for both of the above

Realtime configurable UI

During the hackathon demo we demonstrated updating the app’s style and content via the administration portal, this would allow clients to style the app to suite their branding. These updates were pushed in real time to 50+ client devices from Belfast to Austin (4,608 miles away). 

The code to achieve this state synchronisation across clients was deceptively easy!

Given the nature of react, once a style config update was received, every device just ‘reacted’.


Realtime campaign administration and participation

In the demo, we added 40 products to the live campaign. This pushed 40 products to the admin screen and to the 50+ mobile app. Participants were then instructed to claim items.

Admin view

Member view

All members were authenticated via OAuth providers (Facebook, Github or Gmail).

To my surprise the live demo went without a hitch. I’m pleased to add…. my team won the hackathon for the ‘Technical’ category.


Firebase was a pleasure to work with, everything worked as expected and it performed brilliantly in the live demo….even on their free tier. The patterns used in Firebase are a little unconventional for the more orthodox engineers, but if your objective is rapid development, Firebase is unparalleled by any other platform. Firebase Realtime Database produced a great UX for running Sampling campaigns. While Firebase will not be used in the production product, it provided great context for discussions on the benefits and possibilities of realtime data synchronisation.

Some years ago, I would have maintained that web development was the wild west of software engineering; solutions were being developed without discipline and were lacking a solid framework to build on. It just didn’t seem to have any of the characteristics I would associate with good engineering practices. Fast forward to today, we now have a wealth of tools, libraries and techniques that make web development feel sane.

In recent years front-end developers have embraced concepts like unidirectional dataflows, immutability, pure functions (no hidden side-effects), asynchronous coding and concurrency over threading. Im curious to see if these same concepts gain popularity in backend development as Node.js continues to grow as backend language.

Ah, But Do You Have a Flag?

Hey you there, did you know that forty percent of all data breaches are due to web application vulnerabilities? That means the very software your team is building is likely to be the vector to getting your data pwnd. Still feeling skeptical? You should google Heartland’s 2008 breach, eBay’s XSS vulnerability, or Time Warner’s password leak. I’ll wait.

Done? Pretty scary, isn’t it? 

Great, But How Do You Get Your Developers Thinking About Security?

The discipline of bullet-proofing your code against application vulnerabilities is called Secure Coding. You want this fancy secure coding to up your AppSec game, but what if your R&D organization lacks the skills? You hired smart people, they can learn it, but they need to want to.  They need to feel it. So how do you get your team stoked on security awareness (besides telling them to stop writing their passwords on post-it notes)?

The first thing you do is put together a rip-roaring slide deck with the top ten security flaws and a snazzy background and get them to read the heck out of it.  Developers love slide decks.

Hmm, That didn’t work.

If only there were a better way, more engaging way.  And there is. Did you learn to code just by reading about Java? No way. You started working on coding examples to get the hang of it, right?  Maybe you even got your code katas or koans on so you could motivate yourself. Why not do the same to cultivate some security awareness love?


AppSec enthusiasts commonly compete in Capture The Flag contests. No, not this. Not this either. There are a couple of CTF formats out there, but the Jeopardy format is the one that best suits the needs of introductory training. This format is made up of a ladder of increasingly difficult puzzles. The ladder works like this:

  • Look at the puzzle, in this case a flawed web application. Since we’re interested in secure coding, look at the source code the app.
  • Throw what you can against it.
  • If you succeed in exploiting a flaw in the app, you should get it to cough up the key to the next level. That’s called the loot.
  • Use said loot to unlock the next level.
  • Lather. Rinse. Repeat until you are the first one to loot the final level.
  • Stand on table and celebrate your victory.

You might be thinking, “This is great advice but how do I get me one of those CTF contests?” We thought the same thing. We didn’t have time to wait for someone else to put together a competition, and we wanted to make inroads on secure coding training in a more controlled environment. What to do?

What We Did

Some of us had competed in the Stripe 2.0 CTF like, 37.5 computer years ago (that’s roughly 4 years ago in people years). Fortunately, the good people at Stripe open-sourced those very same web app puzzles. Yea! But they had languished untouched in the backwaters of github. Boo!

We needed…


After some studious digital archeology in the form of ancient version management, we resuscitated the puzzles. Once we had the puzzles in hand, we used veewee to roll a VirtualBox (VBox) compatible VM with some scripting magic to auto-generate the loot values. In this VM, each puzzle was set up to run sandboxed away from the casual user, but still gave them access to the source code.

How Can You Do the Same?


If you’ve read this far, you might be ready to introduce some CTF-based training to your organization. You might still be thinking, “This is great and all, but how do I get me one of those CTFs?”  Scroll no further, true believer.  We have open-sourced all the material you need to conduct your own CTF training right here in this very github:

The instructions to roll the VMs can be found here.  The slide deck needed for the training sessions can be found here. It’s like today is your birthday!

In the next post, I will explain how we developed an introductory secure coding training session around this vm and provide advice on how you can do it too. Now, go get that flag!

Maintenance Notice: Bazaarvoice Developer Portal

We’ll soon be giving our Developer Portal some love in the way of functionality and style updates. To facilitate this, we’ll be taking the portal offline for approximately 6 hours on Thursday, August 15th; the estimated times are listed in a few timezones below:

Timezone Start date/time End date/time
UTC Thursday, August 15, 2:00 AM Thursday, August 15, 8:00 AM
EDT Wednesday, August 14, 10:00 PM Thursday, August 15, 4:00 AM
PDT Wednesday, August 14, 7:00 PM Thursday, August 15, 1:00 AM
AEST Thursday, August 15, 12:00 PM Thursday, August 15, 6:00 PM
IST Thursday, August 15, 7:30 AM Thursday, August 15, 1:30 PM

Bookmarks to existing documentation will work through at least part of the downtime, but please excuse any styling inconsistencies as we work through the update.

If you need something quickly, tweet us @BazaarvoiceDev and we will do our best to get you the assistance you need.

Thanks for your patience!

Mashery-powered Bazaarvoice Developer portal is LIVE!

Welcome to the Mashery-powered Bazaarvoice Developer portal. We strive to give you the tools you need to develop cutting-edge applications on the Bazaarvoice platform.

Some changes you’ll notice:

  • You no longer have to login to see documentation. Just click the Expand icon (expand) to drill down to the information you need.
  • If you want to request an API key or need to contact us with a support question, you will need to create and use a Mashery ID (or use your existing one if you access other Mashery-powered APIs). Your current Bazaarvoice developer portal ID will no longer work.

Note that none of your existing API keys are affected by this transition. They will continue to work without interruption.

Thanks for your support of the Bazaarvoice platform.

Bazaarvoice developer portal moving to Mashery effective 3/1/13

We are pleased to announce that on March 1, 2013, we are moving our developer portal hosting to Mashery.

What does this mean to you, our developer community:

  • None of your existing API keys will be affected by this transition. They will continue to work without interruption.
  • You no longer need to log in to see API documentation or any public content on the site.
  • To request a new API key, you will need to register with a Mashery ID (or use your existing one if you access other Mashery-powered APIs). Your current Bazaarvoice developer portal ID will no longer work after March 1st.
  • There is no change to the developer portal URL (

We know that the increased security and faster key generation will enhance your development experience. As always, thank you for developing on the Bazaarvoice platform. We look forward to seeing your applications.