Author Archives: Andrew Terranova

Context and Higher Order Components: Two Immediately Applicable Topics from the Advanced React Workshop

Thanks to Bazaarvoice I recently attended an “Advanced React Workshop” put on by React Training and taught by Ryan Florence, one of the creators of React Router.

Ryan was an engaging teacher and the workshop was filled with memorable quotes. Here are some highlights:

  • The great conundrum of accessibility is that learning it is not accessible.
  • Like forceUpdate, never use context alone. Always bring a friend with you.
  • Good abstractions can always recreate other abstractions.
  • Is that a Justin Beiber song?

The training took place over two days in East Austin and I learned a ton of stuff that I was able to immediately put to use in my day-to-day projects. Let’s dive right in.


In addition to the familiar props and state, React components also have access to a magical thing called context.

Context is for when your application has a hierarchical structure and needs to pass data from a parent component down to another level of child component (child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc.). As the React documentation puts it,

“In some cases, you want to pass data through the component tree without having to pass the props down manually at every level. You can do this directly in React with the powerful “context” API.”

Before we move on to the context API itself, let’s make it a little more clear why you would want to use it.

Consider the previous example of a parent node with a child, grandchild, and great grandchild. In order for the parent to pass a property (via props) down to the great-grandchild, it would first need to pass the property through child and grandchild. Note that there is no other reason for child and grandchild to care about that property.

As you can imagine, the desire to eliminate this kind of cruft increases as your project grows in size and complexity.

Context to the Rescue

context helps by passing properties through the tree automatically and any component in the subtree can access them.

When Your Component is Providing Context

Components (like parent in the example above) define a static childContextTypes object that defines the properties that they will put on context. childContextTypes is very similar to the propTypes object that we’re already familiar with.

Additionally, components that are putting properties on context must actually provide their values, and do so via the getChildContext component member function. This function should return an object with the same structure as defined in childContextTypes.

For example:

// Parent.js

static childContextTypes = {
  rating: React.PropTypes.string

// Just like a React lifecycle method.
// Don't worry about when this actually gets called.
getChildContext () {
  return {
    rating: '4.5'

When Your Component is Consuming Context

To continue the example, your great-grandchild component now must consume this property. It can do so by defining a static contextTypes object that describes the context properties it expects, and can then pull the properties off of this.context directly.

// GreatGrandchild.js

static contextTypes {
  rating: React.PropTypes.string

render () {
  const { rating } = this.context;
  // Do stuff with rating.

Common Use Cases

Great use cases for context include localization, theming, etc. Basically any time you have things you don’t want to have to pass down through a bunch of components that don’t need to know about them. In fact, React Redux uses context to make its store available to all of your project’s components – imagine how cumbersome it would be to pass the store to every single component!

Common Pitfalls

Name collisions is a common pitfall. Consider the case where a component that has both a parent and grand parent component that provide a rating property on context. The suggested workaround in this case is to name your context after your component:

class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
  static childContextTypes = {
    parentComponent: React.PropTypes.shape({
      rating: React.PropTypes.string

class GrandParentComponent extends React.Component {
  static childContextTypes = {
    grandParentComponent: React.PropTypes.shape({
      rating: React.PropTypes.string

Then your child component could differentiate the two: this.context.parentComponent.rating versus this.context.grandParentComponent.rating.

User Beware!

A post about context would not be complete without pointing out that the very first section in React’s documentation about context is titled “Why Not To Use Context”, and it includes dire warnings like:
“If you want your application to be stable, don’t use context.”, and “It [Context] is an experimental API and it is likely to break in future releases of React.”

Ryan did point out to us however, that even though the documentation warns that the Context API is likely to change, it is one of the only React APIs that has stayed constant 😛

Higher Order Components

In software, a higher order function is a function that returns another function. Consider:

function add (x) {
  return function (y) {
    return x + y;

const addBy2 = add(2);

addBy2(10); // 12

Similarly, a Higher Order Component is a function that returns a (React) Component.

 * A higher order component that facilitates the creation of
 * container components that simply wrap divs around their children.
 * @param  {String} displayName - The displayName of the returned component.
 * @param  {String} className   - The class name to use for the wrapper div.
 * @return {Component}          - A React component.
export function build(displayName, className) {
  const ContainerComponent = (props) => (
    <div className={className}>{ props.children }</div>

  ContainerComponent.displayName = displayName;
  ContainerComponent.propTypes = {
    children: React.PropTypes.node

  return ContainerComponent; 

// Usage:
export const WidgetHeader = build('WidgetHeader', 'bv_header');
export const WidgetBody = build('WidgetBody', 'bv_body');
export const WidgetFooter = build('WidgetFooter', 'bv_footer');

Higher Order Components are great for reducing redundancy across components, and can also be used to “wrap up” a lot of complexity and encapsulate it, which allows the rest of your components to stay simple and straightforward. If you were familiar with the old React mixins, Higher Order Components replace a lot of what mixins did.

That’s All, Folks!

Context and Higher Order Components are just two topics I was able to immediately integrate into my React projects here at Bazaarvoice. Hopefully you will find them useful too!

My Hacktoberfest

This past October I participated in an awesome Open Source event called “Hacktoberfest”, sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub.

Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of Open Source where developers are encouraged to contribute to the community. Participation is easy:

  1. Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects.
  2. A contribution can be anything—fixing bugs, creating new features, or updating and writing documentation.

Further, if you opened four pull requests in Open Source repositories between October 1st and October 31st you would win a cool Hacktoberfest t-shirt and other swag.

Maintainers of Open Source projects (including some here at BV) were asked to tag open issues with “Hacktoberfest” if they wanted help with that issue during the event. GitHub provides the ability to search issues based tags, so it was really easy to find cool projects and issues to work on.

I personally started off small, helping one team track down a bug with their JSON files, and another finish a database for movies used by their front-end application (similar to IMDB).

Next I found a Hacktoberfest issue in the the New York Times’s kyt repository. Kyt is a build, test and development tool for advanced JavaScript apps. I ended up helping them fix a bug in one of their setup scripts.

Then came my Hacktoberfest pièce de résistance.

In my 20% time here at Bazaarvoice I had been playing around with browser extensions / add-ons, specifically in an effort to make implementing our products easier for our clients. So when I saw that Mozilla and the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) were asking for someone to create a browser extension for them, I was immediately interested.

They noticed that a popular type of extension being authored was what they were calling a “replacement” add-on, something that would replace words or phrases in a web page with alternate words, or images, etc.

In their Web Extensions Examples repository, they were looking for an example of such an add-on that they could turn into a “How to Write your First Add-On” tutorial. Thus their two main requirements were:

  1. The code must be simple and easy to follow for beginners.
  2. The code must be performant because it would likely be copied a lot.

Seeing as how readability and performance are two of the main things that we check for in every code review here at Bazaarvoice, this was right up my alley!

I was so excited that I stayed up all weekend to finish the project:

I submitted my pull request, worked with the developers at Mozilla, and was so proud when my Emoji Substitution contribution was merged into their repository. What a rush!

As we traded Hacktoberfest-themed emoji (???? and ???? were my favorites), fixed bugs, and fleshed out their projects, it was really cool to lend my expertise and experience the gratitude of all the teams I worked with – this is what Open Source is all about!

I had a great time participating in Hacktoberfest this year and will definitely do it again next year. You should join me!

Three Takeaways from CSSConf 2016

This year Bazaarvoice sponsored CSSConf 2016 in beautiful Boston, MA, USA and I was able to attend!
Here are my three top takeaways from CSSConf 2016:

Flexy Flexy Flexbox

A little over a year ago, our application team wasn’t sure how “stable” Flexbox or its spec were: there was already an old syntax, a new syntax, and a weird IE10 “tweener” syntax.

The layout advantages Flexbox brought were strong enough (*cough* vertical centering) that we decided to move forward with it and prefix all the things. Now browser support is so good that if you can drop IE8 and work around some known IE11 bugs, there is no reason not to use Flexbox in your designs right now.

A great reference I keep going back to for Flexbox is this css-tricks guide. Here are some other tips and tricks from the conference:

  • Flexbox is now available in Bootstrap 4
  • Use CSS Grid (when it becomes available) for major page layout, and Flexbox for UI elements
  • For mobile / small screens: add a media query and set the flex-direciton to column to stack your cells instead
  • Do as much as you can on the container to keep your code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
  • We can finally get rid of that pesky col-2, col-8, col-crapIAddedWrong grid system!

For more information, I recommend CSS4 Grid: True Layout Finally Arrives by Jen Kramer and It’s Time To Ditch The Grid System by Emily Hayman.

Stop Thinking In Pixels

The talk Stop Thinking In Pixels by Keith Grant was particularly enlightening.
The basic premise was not to micromanage your CSS:

Without fully understanding what CSS is doing for us, we try to push through it to control exactly what is going on in the browser.

Driving this point home, Keith recommended to stop thinking in pixels because

The pixels don’t matter. Let the browser do it.

You should instead be thinking in terms of the em and rem. Tools that simply convert px to em aren’t the answer either — you’re still thinking in terms of pixels and therefore missing out on some important benefits. Instead, learn from something like type scale and approach measurements with a fresh perspective.

I recommend watching the talk in full, but a quick cheatsheet follows:

Property Recommended Unit
font-size rem
padding, margin, border-radius, etc. em
border-width px

When in doubt, use em.

To summarize,

Ems are the most powerful when you fully embrace them.

Apps vs Documents

In this day and age we are all used to thinking in terms of “apps”. But the trinity of HTML, CSS, and JS was not conceived in this day and age. Two great quotes I wrote down from Component-Based Style Reuse by Pete Hunt are

CSS is great for documents, maybe not 2016 Apps


If you sat down and created styling in 2016, you would not come up with CSS

Our newest applications are written in React, which encourages developers to think of things in terms of components — pieces of UI that are reusable in different contexts. The Cascading part of CSS interferes with that, however: depending on the context your component is dropped into, it may look drastically different across usages. When that is not what you want, Pete’s ideas center around reusing components, not CSS classes.

As you can imagine, this idea is largely controversial in a conference with a name like CSSConf, but I will continue to keep my eye on it. Pete’s thought leadership on this topic inspires me to challenge norms and dare to envision things differently. After all, if we’re constantly fighting with our tool (CSS), that tool may not be right for the job.

Thanks for reading! For a full list of talks and slides from the conference, check out

Injecting Applications onto Third-Party Webpages Made Easy

Bazaarvoice’s Small Web App Technologies (SWAT) team is pleased to announce that we are open sourcing swat-proxy – a tool to inject applications onto third-party webpages.

In third-party web application development it is difficult to be certain how our applications will look and behave on a client’s webpage until they are implemented. Any number of things could interfere – including other third-party applications! Delivering applications that don’t work can obviously have a severe negative impact on both our clients and us.

One solution is to inject – or proxy – our applications onto the client’s web page. This way we can ensure they work correctly – before they go into production. I wrote swat-proxy to do exactly that, acting as a man-in-the-middle between browser and web server. As the browser requests web pages from the server, swat-proxy intercepts the response and proxies our application into it. The browser renders the web page as if it contained our application all along – exactly simulating the client having implemented it. Now we can be certain how our applications will look and behave.

Other tools exist to accomplish this task, but none are as front-end developer-friendly as swat-proxy: it is written entirely in Javascript – plugging in nicely to our existing workflows – and uses familiar CSS selectors to target DOM elements when injecting content. It is run locally using NodeJS and is very easy to use.

We have found swat-proxy to be incredibly useful when rapidly iterating on prototypes and ensuring the behavior of our applications before they are released to production – we hope you do too! We are releasing it to the larger world as open source, under the Apache 2.0 license. Please download it, try it out, and let us know what you think (in comments below, or as issues or pull requests on Github).