MongoDB Arrays and Atomicity

Over time, even technologies that are tried and true begin to show their age. This is especially true for data stores as the shear amount of data explodes and site traffic increases. Because of this, we are continually working with new technologies to determine whether they have a place in our primary stack.

To that end, we began using MongoDB for one of our new internal systems several months ago. Its quick setup and ease of use make it a great data store for starting a new project that’s constantly in flux. Its robustness and scalability make it a worthy contender for our primary data store, if it should prove capable of handling our use cases.

Being traditionally a MySQL shop, our team is used to working with databases in a certain way. When we write code that interacts with the DB, we use transactions and locks rather liberally. Therefore using MongoDB is a rather significant paradigm shift for our developers.

Though MongoDB doesn’t have true ACID compliance, it does support atomic updates to an individual object. And because a “single” object in Mongo can actually be quite complex, this is sufficient for many operations. For example, for the following complex object, setting values, incrementing numbers, adding and removing items from an array, can all be done at the same time atomically:

  {_id: ObjectId("4e5e4c0e945a66e30892e4e3")},
  {$set: {firstName: "Bobby", lastName: "Schmidt"}}

Even setting values of child objects can be done atomically:

  {_id: ObjectId("4e5e4c0e945a66e30892e4e3")},
  {$set: {"position.title": "Software Developer", "": 1015}}

In fact, individual items in an array can be changed:

  {_id: ObjectId("4e5e4c0e945a66e30892e4e3")},
  {$set: {"": "Google, Inc."}}

However, one thing you may notice is that the code above to modify a specific item in the array requires us to know the specific index of the item in the array we wish to modify. That seems simple, because we can pull down the object, find the index of the item, and then change it. The difficulty with this is that other operations on an array do not necessarily guarantee that the order of the elements will be the same. For example, if an item in an array is removed and then added later, it will always be appended to the array. The only way to keep an array in a particular order is to $set it (replacing all the objects in it), which for a large array may not have the best performance.

This problem is best demonstrated with the following race conditions:

One solution to this problem is to $pull a particular item from the array, change it, and then $push it back onto the array. In order to avoid the race condition above, we decided that this was a safer solution. After all, these two operations should be doable atomically.

  {_id: ObjectId("4e5e4c0e945a66e30892e4e3")},
  {$pull: {badges: {type: "TOP_EMPLOYEE"}}, $push: {badges: {type: "TOP_EMPLOYEE", date: null}}}

So, what’s the problem? The issue is that MongoDB doesn’t allow multiple operations on the same property in the same update call. This means that the two operations must happen in two individually atomic operations. Therefore it’s possible for the following to occur:

That is bad enough, but it can be dealt with by updating an object only if it is in the correct state. Unfortunately, the following can happen as well:

That looks very odd to the reader, because at one moment it would see the item, then the next read would lose it, and then it would come back. To an end user that’s bad enough, but to another system that is taking actions based on the data, the results can be inconsistent at best, and deleterious at worst.

What we really want is the ability to modify an item (or items) in an array by query, effectively $set with $pull semantics:

  {_id: ObjectId("4e5e4c0e945a66e30892e4e3")},
  {$update: {badges: {$query: {type: "TOP_EMPLOYEE"}, $set: {date: null}}}}

Since that’s not yet supported by MongoDB, we decided to use a map. This makes a lot of sense for our use case since the structure happened to be a map in Java. Because MongoDB uses JSON-like structures, the map is an object just like any other, and the keys are simply the property names of the object.

This means that individual elements can be accessed and updated from the map:

  {_id: ObjectId("4e5e4c0e945a66e30892e4e3")},
  {$set: {"": null}}

This seems like a rather elegant solution, so why didn’t we start out this way? One pretty major problem: if you don’t know all of the possible keys to the map, there is no good way to index the fields for faster querying. Indexes to child objects in MongoDB are created using dot notation, just like the query syntax. This works really well with arrays because MongoDB supports indexing fields of objects in arrays just like any other child object field. But for a map, the key is part of the path to the child field, so each key is another index:

// Simple fields
db.employees.ensureIndex({lastName: 1, firstName: 1})

// Child object fields
db.employees.ensureIndex({"": 1})

// Array object fields
db.employees.ensureIndex({"": 1})

// Map fields, treating map values like child objects
db.employees.ensureIndex({"": 1})

For our purposes, we are actually able to index every key individually, and treat the map as an object with known properties.

The sinister part of all of this is that you won’t normally run into any problems while doing typical testing of the system. And in the case of the pull/read/push diagram above, even typical load testing wouldn’t necessarily exhibit the problem unless the reader is checking every response and looking for inconsistencies between subsequent reads. In a complex system, where data is expected to change constantly, this can be a difficult bug to notice, and even more difficult to track down the root cause.

There are ways to make MongoDB work really well as the primary store, especially since there are so many ways to update individual records atomically. However, working with MongoDB and other NoSQL solutions requires a shift in how developers think about their data storage and the way they write their query/update logic. So far it’s been a joy to use, and getting better all the time as we learn to avoid these types of problems in the future.